Published: December 22, 2020
Important Update for all Ungooroo Patients
In line with the NSW Government COVID-19 restrictions, and to continue to keep our community safe, Ungooroo GP & Health Service will be making some changes to the way we see our patients from Monday 28th of June.
- Patients with cold/flu symptoms must NOT attend the clinic, please call our clinic to change your appointment to a Bulk Billed TELEHEALTH appointment.
- Patients with cold/flu symptoms must NOT attend the clinic, please call our clinic to change your appointment to a Bulk Billed TELEHEALTH appointment.
- If you have visited the Greater Sydney area, please call our clinic to change your appointment to a Bulk Billed TELEHEALTH appointment.
- Masks must be worn in the clinic at all times. NO MASK, NO APPOINTMENT.
- On arrival you will be required to have your temperature checked at the Reception desk when you check in.
- The 4sqm rule is back. You will be required to social distance in the waiting room.
- The amount of people at each appointment will be restricted to TWO due to the size of our consulting rooms.
Please be patient as we do our best to help you. Aggressive behaviour and any form of verbal or physical abuse to our employees will not be tolerated. Offenders will be BANNED from attending our clinic.
If you have any questions, please call us on 6571 5111. To keep up to date with the latest COVID-19 developments visit https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/